current events Burying the Crimes of The Filthy Rich Jeffrey Epstein was a businessman, a convicted sex offender and a pedophile. He was notorious for having numerous connections and was friends with people in high places. Epstein was the type of man who made a lot of money and no one could quite pin-point the ways in which he made his income. Read more
political affairs Joe Biden Wins Presidency: Hope for a Brighter Future After long awaiting the results, Biden wins 20 electoral votes from Pennsylvania surpassing the 270 votes needed. The Democrats currently, as of Saturday, have 290 electoral votes, are tied with Republicans in the Senate race, and have a lead of 19 votes in the House. Read more
Everydaylife How American Corporations Destabilized Latin America for Bananas It all started with the Monroe Doctrine of 1904, an American policy that allowed the U.S. to excuse any foreign intervention under the guise of “policing them”. In reality, it allowed for the government and corporations to exploit these countries. Read more
geo-political affairs Biden’s Arab Dilemma Since Biden’s victory in the presidential elections, the 46th President of the United States has come across various challenges and might even be taking back some of his promises. A few of the promises he made include strongholds of the Arab world such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. Read more
political affairs The Potential Benefits of Sub-Contracting The Cops Confidence in policing is at an all-time low. Data from the Leger polling company had shown an 11 point drop for support of the police in Canada, and for the first time in history support for the police dropped below the majority (48%) in the United States. Read more
Olympics THE FATE OF TOKYO 2020: Florida Volunteers as Quake Aftershock Looms Currently, there is no conversation that indicates the games being moved to Florida, or being postponed again. It seems like Tokyo is ready to compete with safety regulations in place. Read more
racism Enough is Enough: Normalized Racism East Asians are being attacked and everyone is silent. There’s nothing new about racism towards Asians in North America but we have reached a point where it is being normalized and very few are speaking up about it. Read more
Inauguration O Canada: Northern Insecurity The inauguration of President Biden and Vice President Harris was historic in many regards, but one particularly important and focused-on aspect was that of Harris being the first black and south-Asian vice-president Read more
political affairs 17 Years Since the Torture at Abu Ghraib, Where Does America Stand Now? Spring of 2021 will make the 17-year mark since the photos of Abu Ghraib reached the public. Images that shortly after being released in April 2004, motivated Government officials and Read more
biden America’s Not-So-Happily Ever After The 2020 election period in the United States was nothing less than chaotic. Hectic debates, voter intimidation, fake ballot boxes in California, the fly on Mike Pence’s head becoming Read more