Bell with donate 5¢ for every applicable text, call, tweet or TikTok video using #BellLetsTalk, social media video view and use of our Facebook frame or Snapchat filter.

On Thursday, January 28th all Canadians near and far are encouraged to get involved to create positive, impactful change for those living with mental illness. Every year, Bell’s campaign gets everyone engaged on social media to open up conversation about mental health, donate using hashtags, and share content supporting mental health initiatives.

Last year, they broke their donation record by successfully raising over $7.7 million dollars to help those struggling with mental illness. The funds have gone directly to more than 1,100 organizations throughout the years featuring QEII Foundation, and Multicultural Mental Health Resource Centre just to name a few.

This year, it goes without saying that most of us have felt more isolated and troubled with our mental health due to the ongoing effects of COVID-19 and lockdown. Last week, Bell announced a Post-Secondary Fund to directly support Canadian universities and colleges. This pandemic has been extremely debilitating for students who are expected to keep up with school as they normally did in the past. Bell is implementing the National Standard of Canada for Mental Health and Well-Being for Post-Secondary Students which institutions can apply for through a grant that will cover the costs. This project will also include a multitude of specific, smaller in-classroom initiatives this coming spring.

The Chairwoman of Bell Let’s Talk, Mary Deacon stated recently that: “Bell is building on our long-standing commitment to student mental health with the launch of the Bell Let's Talk Post-Secondary Fund… supporting post-secondary institutions seeking to implement the Standard and create new action programs, the fund is focused on accelerating the progress these schools have made in enabling the mental health of students throughout Canada."

The truth of the matter is that just engaging in conversation and taking mental health seriously like dental health is, will aid in breaking the stigma. Talking to those around you about how you’re feeling, or picking up the phone for a hotline is very beneficial for these harsh winter months. In fact, 83% of Canadians have reported to approach conversations on mental illness in a brighter attitude, since Bell Let’s Talk first began.

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